Thursday, January 31, 2013

Homesick and Cosmo

    First I must apologize for my delay in writing a new post, the internet at the hotel has not been very friendly. 

    So now that we have got that out of the way its time to cover the topic at hand, I am starting to get homesick.  I haven't been home since January 13th, I should finally get to go home around the 6th of Feb.  This job always has a lot of travel and  most times I don't mind it at all, sometimes I like getting to go new places and see new things.  Right now though, I miss my puppies, ponies, husband, bed, satellite TV etc.  God only knows how many episodes of Project Runway and Top Chef I have missed.

    I don't really talk much about being a girl around a bunch of guys because on most days it isn't an issue, and today it still wasn't, but this mix can produce some pretty interesting learning experiences.  For instance, yesterday I bought a Cosmopolitan magazine.  It had the normal Cosmo type stuff on the cover and I left it in the truck. Today as we were waiting for track time, the guys picked it up and started reading it.  Listening to the guys read it and smell the perfume samples was pretty priceless.  There were things like "wow, I am getting my girlfriend/wife this magazine, I like that idea!"  and "ewww that smells like 70's old lady".  I think they will become just as hooked on Cosmo as I am, now if they could just get me to run out and buy a $300 RC car we might be even!

    This week at work has been pretty busy, we put in a switch, did a lot of wiring changes, pissed off a dispatcher (twice, sorry KLH) and are just about ready for the cut in on Monday. The big wigs will start coming in this weekend and we will all have to mind our P's and Q's.  My job at this cut-in will be to keep everyone safe while they are working on the tracks for about 3.5 miles of track.  Trains will have to talk to me before they come into those 3.5 miles.  I have run these type of things before, but never with such an audience, so I am a little nervous.  I will report back on how I actually did and hopefully everyone will live through it and I will still have a job when we are done.

    I am sorry to say I didn't get to many pictures this week, but my foreman took a couple and I did change my profile picture.  Here are a few pictures of me operating our boom truck to get the switch that we replaced into position.

1 comment:

  1. It's surprising that you were able to operate that big boy that easily. Amazing! Those kinds of heavy equipment requires not only good driving, but also a good amount of strength and sense to operate it.

    Jonathan Carroll @ Bucket Trucks
